

The library develops its collection of information resources through acquisition, donations, paid subscriptions and resource exchanges in the pursuit of contributing to the academic programs and research activities of Özyeğin University as well as cultural development of Özyeğin University members. Academic and administrative staff as well as student may also request for new titles to expand the library collection within the framework of the above requirements. These requests are evaluated based on the available budget, and as per the principles set forth in the Collection Management and Access Policy.

The library collection includes thousands of printed and electronic books and journals, databases, CDs, DVDs, multimedia resources in a wide range of subject areas as well as a rich variety of daily newspapers and board games.  The collection is comprised of mostly electronic resources accessible online from anywhere anytime, while the printed and multimedia resources can be borrowed by authorized users with varying terms and conditions. Course materials are also a part of the library collection.

The library expands its collection in a quest to support the university’s academic programs, course content and research projects. Topics and themes are selected based on the offered academic programs at the university. The priority is given to collect the resources recommended by the academic staff primarily for education, learning and research purposes in line with the integrity and requirements of the collection. Publications to be purchased are selected with care to cater for the needs of on-campus research centers. The library also adds literary and cultural publications to its collection to contribute to social and cultural development of its patrons in a rich variety of areas of interest and to help them make the most of their extracurricular time.

Careful attention is paid to select the resources written in the university’s language of instruction. Resources written in other languages which are taught at the university are also purchased based on current needs. Resources in other languages which are not related with the academic programs of the university might also be included to the collection based on available budget and capacity in order to support social and cultural development of library patrons.

Özyeğin University faculty and students may also submit their resource requests via Library Order Form. It takes between 2 to 4 weeks and 4 to 8 weeks to procure books and DVDs at home or from abroad, respectively. It is important to submit requests for periodicals, databases and academic software program which require paid subscriptions at the time of budget preparations and the subscriptions must be started based on the calendar year.

If any, electronic versions are preferred to make resources accessible from anywhere anytime.

Electronic books and multimedia resources can be searched via the online library catalogue, while databases and subscribed journals are accessible through OzooGle+ and Journal Portal, respectively. Electronic resources are accessible 24/4 on- and off-campus.

Graded Readers Collection 

Graded Readers Collection includes simplified literary classics and short stories as well as history, popular or actual books. This collection offers graded books which are distinguished according to levels determined by ScOLa preparatory English program.

Graded Readers Collection has been developing each year regularly considering the increase of student numbers. You may access graded readers for each level provided in the OzU Library by clicking following links:

Easy Readers A2 Level Titles

Easy Readers B1 Level Titles

Easy Readers B2 Level Titles

English Easy Readers E-Book Titles

English Learning E-Books

For your questions and further details, you may contact us at