Borrowing Privileges

I have damaged a book that I checked out. What do I do?
Please contact a librarian at 0216 564 9494, library@ozyegin.edu.tr or see them in person with the details of the book. You may see details here about damaged library items.
I've lost a book I checked out. What do I do?
Please contact a librarian at 0216 564 9494, library@ozyegin.edu.tr or see them in person with the details of the book. You may see details here about lost library items.
Can I borrow book or DVD from the Library by using somebody else’s card?
You can only use your own card to borrow an item from the library.
I don’t have my card with me, can I borrow a book?
You need to present your card to borrow an item.
I lost my student ID card, can I borrow any item?
We need a statement from the Student Services indicating that your ID card is lost and the new one is in the process. Please contact Student Services about this matter and ensure that they e-mail us at library@ozyegin.edu.tr
The due date of the book that I borrowed falls on the weekend, what can I do?
If the library is open, you need to return item on the given date regardless of whether it is the weekend or a weekday. However, for the dates which are official holiday for the students and staff, please follow the announcements and news from the library.
Can I renew a book and how?
You can use “My Account” to renew the books, online. Please click here to see the details.
The book that I want to borrow has been checked out by someone else. How do I reserve (hold) a book?
Once you reach the catalog record of the title, click on the “hold” button. Enter your network user name & password, and follow the steps.
How many books can I borrow?
For borrowing privileges, please click here.
Can I borrow reserve materials overnight?
You may borrow reserve materials (2 hrs. loan) overnight. You need to borrow them after 21.00 and should return them in the morning before 09.00 to avoid fine. At the weekends, reserve materials should be borrowed after 5pm and returned before 09:15am.

Liaison Services

What is ILL (Interlibrary Loan) ?
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a free of charge service providing print materials -which are not available in the ÖzÜ Library's collection- for loan from other university and research libraries. ÖzÜ users can benefit from this service by filling ILL Request Form.
Should I pay for borrowing the Library materials?
No, you don’t need to pay for it. ÖzÜ members can borrow the items for a specific period and they need to be returned at the end of that period.
I have an assignment. How can you help me?
You can work with your faculty librarian on your assignment. Please come to the library or e-mail us at library@ozyegin.edu.tr for their assistance.
What can reference specialist do for me?
A reference specialist can assist you for your assignment/research/homework, guide you to search and find the right resources, teach you how to use the resources, work with you in the further steps of your assignment/ research and offer you bibliometric support for academic performance.
Can I borrow the latest issue of the Journal that I want to read?
No, the latest issue arrived in the library cannot be borrowed.
My library fine has not reached to 20 TL. Do I need to pay for it?
The Library does not charge users for the library fines lower than 20 TL. Therefore you don’t need to pay for it. Please click here for more information.
How do I pay library fine?
It needs to be paid to Fibabanka Özyeğin University Branch, IBAN: TR 6700 1110 0000 0000 1916 6114. Please do not forget to bring the receipt to the library or to e-mail it.
I am an ÖzÜ alumni. How can I use the library?
ÖzÜ alumni can use the library. Please click here for more information.
How can I return items when the library is closed?
Please use “return box” outside of the library to return items.
When should I return the books that I borrowed?
You may check what you checked out and when you need to return them by using “My Account”.
What is call number?
Call number identifies an item’s subject area as well as its place on the shelves in the library.

Staffing and Facilities

Can I work as student assistant in the library?
Sure, please e-mail library@ozyegin.edu.tr if there is available position.
How can I find a book in the library collection?
You can use online Library catalogue to see if the title is available in the library collection or not. If the title is imprint, you need to take its call number to find it on shelves. Otherwise, just click on its link to access the title.
Can I search all the library resources in one platform?
Yes, you can search all the library resources in print or electronic through oZooGle+
Can I download an e-book which is available through the Library?
E-book download policy varies according to the platforms and publishers. Please come to the library or e-mail us at library@ozyegin.edu.tr for their assistance.
Can I reserve group study room?
You can reserve a study room from SIS. Please click here to see the details.
How can I photocopy and print?
Your student card must be registered and have enough money to print or copy. You can communicate with Copy Center for registration and credit issues located on -2nd floor of 1st academic building. There are printers on the each floor of the Library.
When is the library open?
The library is open 24/7. For national or religious holidays, please follow news on the library web site or our social media channels.
Where is the photocopy machine in the Library?
You can find the photocopy machine on every floor of the library including the one in 7/24 study hall.
I have a suggestion/complaint. How can I send it?
You can send your suggestion/complaint either filling the online form or leaving it in a written form to the suggestion box, which is at the Information desk.


I can’t find an article in the library databases, what should I do?
You can ask a librarian at the Information Desk or request this article through the “Article Request Form” Please click here for more information.
Do DVDs have Turkish subtitles?
Most of them have Turkish subtitles. You can see if the DVD has Turkish subtitle on the library catalog record or on the cover of the DVD.