Vision and Mission
Vision and Mission
Vision and Mission
Our mission is to support the university's teaching, learning, research and community activities by providing information resources, services and environment which is of high quality, innovative, progressive, customer focused (students, all staff and all of university's stakeholders) and helps create new knowledge.
Özyeğin University Library is a center for living and learning with its spacious and comfortable atmosphere, rich collection of books and movies, and high level technologies that spans across three floors with an area of 2825 m2. The library boasts of its exemplary modern design, catering to the needs of the new generation. The library strives to support academic and research activities of the university through its vast, user-friendly, and innovative information resources and services. To this end, the library builds its collections and expands its services in collaboration with the academic staff and students.
OzU library heavily make use of educational technologies in the pursuit of serving its patrons 24/7 with its 72,000 printed books, over 1.000.000 e-books, and more than 159.000 e-journals. Constantly developing its technological facilities and e-collections, the library endeavors to present top notch electronic information resources to its users. The library adopts a non-traditional service approach, offering not only information resources but also a vast array of information technology equipment and board games. To this end, the library strives to capitalize on mobile technologies when offering access to its information resources in a quest to support students’ academic and research needs independently from time and location.
In addition to information literacy trainings, general library introductions, and research techniques seminars offered by the library staff to support the students’ lifelong learning, the faculty librarians, each specialized in a specific academic program, also provide personal or subject-specific guidance to help its patrons be prepared for their classes.
Aside from its enriched collection of print and electronic academic resources, the Central Library also boasts of its vast DVD collection, daily national and international newspapers, personal development resources and popular magazines placed at the disposal of students. The library webpage has also two search engines “oZooGle+” and “Journal Portal”, which can be used to search for online resources, or access online journals, articles and other online resources. Furthermore, students can also borrow educational technology equipment (including laptops, projectors, document cameras etc) from the library.
As a center for living and learning, the library houses a large number of group study rooms furnished with LCD televisions and whiteboards, offering a truly learning-conducive environment, promoting group studies, and providing a warm and home-like atmosphere where students can watch movies and play board games. The study floor is open for students’ use 24/7, even if the library is closed, with its copying/printing equipment and computers.