Özyeğin University Publications

Özyeğin University Publications

Özyeğin University, Faculty of Architecture and Design 10 th Year Book

Editors: Güliz Özorhon, Elif Aktaş Yanaş, Gizem Efendioğlu, Gülbin Lekesiz, Tuğba Tok, Yasemin Yıldırım
e-ISBN: 978-605-5625-26-9 — ISBN: 978-605-5625-26-9 — Print Date: October 2022

Published by Özyeğin University, the book was prepared as part of the 10th Anniversary Events of Özyeğin University Faculty of Architecture and Design.The book presents a time period in which the necessary infrastructure was provided for Özyeğin University Faculty of Architecture and Design to define itself with its unique features and to continue on its path with a dynamic, contemporary and innovative vision, the tradition of the faculty was established and its future was shaped, with the voices of its administrators, lecturers and alumni. tells.

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Kent İçin Katalizör Ekler ÖZÜ-KMI Kent ve Mimarlık Tezli-Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı Kitap 1

Editors: Hülya Turgut, Melike Altınışık Gümüşsoy, Güliz Özorhon, Göksu Sarman
e-ISBN: 978-605-5625-24-5 — ISBN: 978-605-5625-23-8 — Print Date: September 2022

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MİTA III: Mimari Tasarım Araştırmaları ve Bilişim Teknolojileri

Editors: Güliz Özorhon, Gizem Efendioğlu
e-ISBN: 978-605-5625-25-2 — ISBN: 978-605-5625-26-9 — Print Date: May 2022

Published by Özyeğin University, the book includes the papers accepted at the "MİTA III: Architectural Design Research and Information Technologies" National Symposium organized by ÖzÜ Faculty of Architecture and Design on September 24, 2021, and the articles of invited speakers. The editor of the book, Assoc. Dr. Güliz Özorhon and Res.Assist. Gizem Efendioğlu took over.

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Istanbul as an Endless Space of “Urban Articulation” IAPS-CS 4

Editors: Hülya Turgut, Demet Mutman Uluengin, Nevşet Gül Çanakçıoğlu
e-ISBN: 978-605-5625-21-4 — ISBN: 978-605-5625-22-1 — Print Date: March 2022

The fourth of the national "Culture and Space Meetings" series organized by the IAPS-CS "Culture and Space" International Working Network, under the title "Istanbul as an Endless Articulation Space", within the framework of Özyeğin University's 10th Anniversary Events, ÖzÜ-Faculty of Architecture and Design and It was carried out by the OzU-UHL Urban and Housing Research Laboratory. The book, published by Özyeğin University, supports formal architectural education with informal activities and encourages young designers, thinkers about the city, academics, undergraduate and graduate students to explore the multi-layered and patterned structure of Istanbul, which is a “palimpsest” city, which continues to go through rapid changes and transformations. covers.

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From Nano to Giga: Research and Applications, Center for Energy, Environment and Economy

Author: M.Pınar Mengüç
Editors: Dilek Saygı, Gökçe Ersel Ötkün
ISBN: 978-605-5625-20-7 — Print Date: October 2021

Published by Özyeğin University Press, the book is the work of Center for Energy, Environment and Economy (CEEE/ECEM), the first research and application center of Özyeğin University, over the past eleven years. “From Nano To Giga Research And Applications” describes what ECEM researchers have been doing since 2009, both individually and as a team, to contribute to science and society, and what kind of results and achievements have been achieved with their innovative and holistic work in terms of research, practice and widespread impact. In this book, Nano emphasizes the heat transfer studies with radiation at nanoscale, and Giga emphasizes the amount of CO2 gas in the Giga-ton range, which reduces its emission to the atmosphere with its integrated engineering and architectural studies.

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+10 İstanbul Research Workshops 2019

Editors: Güliz Özorhon, Göksu Sarman, İrem Bayraktar
ISBN: 978-605-5625-18-4 — Print Date: July 2021

The book, published by Özyeğin University in July 2021, was created by converting the invited speech and workshop presentations made at the meeting held on September 27, 2019 by ÖzÜ Architecture and Design Faculty Istanbul Design Institute into book chapters. The editors of the book is Assoc. Dr. Güliz Özorhon, Ar. See. Göksu Sarman and Ar. See. İrem Bayraktar.



Hegemonik Erkeklik: Formülasyon, Yeniden Formülasyon ve Genişleme

Author: James W. Messerschimidt
Editors: Çimen Günay Erkol, Nurseli Yeşim Sünbüloğlu
ISBN: 978-605-5625-17-7 — Print Date: August 2019

The hegemonic masculine social structure consists of different types of power relations—that have been detailed throughout this book—and therefore is continually and pervasively renewed, re- created, defended, and modified through social action. And it is this reproduction of hegemonic masculinities within everyday life that makes gender social change so difficult. Yet it is within the multiple sites and locations whereby hegemonic masculinities are fashioned that we find the seeds necessary for that structure to be resisted, limited, altered, challenged, and dismantled.

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Sublime and Secluded: A Journey Through the Walls of Istanbul

Author: Metin Çavuş
ISBN: 978-605-5625-15-3 — Print Date: June 2019

The book Sublime ve Secluded consists of black and white fortification photographs taken by Metin Çavuş with a medium format analog camera in 2017 and 2018. Istanbul Walls are uncanny places where dead silence can be experienced right next to the dynamic city, surrounded by walls and self-grown trees and plants. With their lengths exceeding 20 km, the walls gained different functions in different districts. In some places, they remained in life and formed important transition points of the district, and in some places they created uninhabited and desolate areas. Yüce and Solo photography book is a work by Metin Çavuş, a faculty member at Özyeğin University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, where he directs his camera to himself as a building, rather than to the life around the city walls. The disrepair of the ruins and the disappointment caused by the inconsistent renovations, on the one hand, turned into works of art as a result of wear, which has been one of the photographer's focus. These complex feelings are expressed in the photographs in this book, and the lofty and lonely aspect of the walls is reflected.

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Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı Bildiriler Kitabı TORK 2019

Editors: Özkan Bebek, Barkan Uğurlu, Ramazan Ünal, Erhan Öztop
ISBN: 978-605-5625-16-0 — Print Date: June 2019

Özyeğin University hosted the Turkey Robotics Conference on its 10th anniversary. Papers from 5 countries were sent to the conference. 39 of these papers were presented as original, 12 as compilation and 21 as poster. The book published by Özyeğin University includes the papers at the conference.


İstanbul ve Konut Kültürü: değişim, dönüşüm, devamlılık

Editors: Hülya Turgut, Güliz Özorhon, Ebru Karahan, Demet Mutman, Ümit Ceren Bayazitoğlu
ISBN: 978-605-5625-14-6 — Print Date: November 2018

The book, published by Özyeğin University, is the third of the IAPS-CS 'Culture and Space' International Working Network, "Culture and Space Meetings" series, hosted by ÖzÜ Faculty of Architecture and Design on December 15-16, 2016. : Change, Transformation, Continuity” covers the papers accepted in the national symposium.


Innovative Thinking in Housing; Adaptability and Flexibility in Low Rise Apartment Building Design

Editors: Avi Friedman, Eda Aşcıoğlu Selçuk
ISBN: 978-605-5625-13-9 — Print Date: 2018

This workshop was started to address urban growth and housing design in Istanbul. One of the goals was to bring innovative approaches based on growth and adaptability to the design of a typical Turkish apartment. Another aim was to teach the principles of adaptive housing design. Avi Friedman and Eda Aşcıoğlu Selçuk undertook the editorship of the book published by Özyeğin University.


Memory, Traces and City: Şişli-Bomonti IAPS-CS Network-Culture and Space Design Workshop

Editors: Orhan Hacıhasanoğlu, Hülya Turgut, Ümit Ceren Bayazitoğlu
ISBN: 978-605-5625-11-5 — Print Date: May 2018

IAPS-Culture&Space Culture and Space Design Workshop was held on 7-9-12 March 2016 at the Bomontiada ATÖLYE-Istanbul event venue with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students from different architecture and design faculties. The book, published by Özyeğin University, covers the urban readings made within the framework of the Design Workshop, the main theme of "Memory, Traces and the City: Şişli-Bomonti", and two/three dimensional graphical representations of the future predictions produced from these readings.


Architectural Design Research and the Future of Cities MİTA 2018

Editors: Güliz Özorhon, İrem Bayraktar
ISBN: 978-605-5625-12-2 — Print Date: April 2018

Published by Özyeğin University, the book titled "National Symposium on Architectural Design Studies II: The Future of Cities" is the national symposium organized by Özyeğin University, Faculty of Architecture and Design on April 25-27, 2018; thematic speech, paper presentations, student projects exhibition and awards, workshops, exhibitions and closing panel.


Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Penceresinden Yerel ve Kırsal Kalkınma

Editors: Faik Gür, Murat Bayramoğlu
ISBN: 978-605-5625-10-8 — Print Date: March 2018

Development was a development strategy adopted by almost all countries after the Second World War. It turned into an understanding that determined the economy and politics and created an optimistic period until the 1970s. However, this optimism denied the fact that nature is an irreplaceable entity. While inequality and environmental problems deepened in the world that transitioned to neoliberalism in the 1980s, countries began to abandon the development discourse. In Turkey, whose agricultural structure is dominated by small producers, development – ​​especially rural development – ​​has an indispensable importance. The decrease in the population in agriculture in Turkey deepens unemployment and interregional inequality. In today's world, it is not enough to just look at the growth figures. We need a rights-based and egalitarian understanding of development. In order to create a new development paradigm, it is more important than ever for field experts, representatives of producer organizations, academics, policy makers and public administrators to meet on common platforms. This book aims to bridge this gap and build bridges in local and rural development.

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Gelişim Psikolojisi ve Terapi Perspektifinden Oyun

Editors: Ayfer Dost Gözkân, Nilüfer Kafescioğlu, Deniz Tahiroğlu
ISBN: 978-605-56250-9-2 — Print Date: November 2017

From infancy, children spend most of their waking time playing. So why is play so attractive to children and why do they spend so much time and energy playing? Does the game have a function, a contribution to the child? These are the questions that come to the minds of adults who eagerly observe children playing tirelessly and remember the games they played in their childhood with a smile. The chapters of Play from the Perspective of Developmental Psychology and Therapy were written by academics working in the fields of developmental psychology, family therapy, and play therapy seeking answers to these questions. This book includes research and clinical studies on games and its types, its contribution to development, its healing power and how it can be a therapeutic aid. Those who spend time with children as parents, teachers or psychotherapists and all adults involved in children's lives; With the hope that it will be enlightening and inspiring for students, academicians and social policy experts who are considering working with children in the future.

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Mimari Tasarım Araştırmaları Ulusal Sempozyumu 21. Yüzyıl (MİTA 2015)

Editors: Güliz Özorhon, İlker Fatih Özorhon, Ümit Ceren Bayazıtoğlu
ISBN: 978-605-5625-08-5 — Print Date: 2016

Published by Özyeğin University, the book includes the papers accepted at the "Architectural Design Research: 21st Century" National Symposium organized by the OzU Faculty of Architecture and Design on April 16-17, 2015. The editor of the book, Assoc. Dr. Güliz Özorhon, Assoc. Dr. İlker Fatih Özorhon and Ar. See. Ümit Ceren Bayazıtoğlu assumed the responsibility.


Design Communication European Conference Proceedings

Editors: M.Saleh Uddin, Ph.D., Murat Şahin, Ph.D., Ayşe Özbil Torun, Ph.D., Ümit Ceren Bayazitoğlu
ISBN: 978-605-5625-06-1 — Print Date: May 2016

Published by Özyeğin University, the book includes the papers accepted at the 2016 Design Communication European Conference organized by ÖzÜ Faculty of Architecture and Design on May 11-14, 2016. The editor of the book, one of our faculty professors, Assoc. Dr. Murat Şahin, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Ayşe Özbil Torun and Ar. See. Ümit Ceren Bayazitoğlu assumed responsibility.


IX. Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Ulusal Sempozyumu (MSTAS 2015) Bildiriler Kitabı

Editors: Sevil Yazıcı, Canan Akoğlu, Ayşe Özbil Torun, Işılay Tekçe, Ümit Ceren Bayazıtoğlu
ISBN: 978-605-5625-07-8 — Print Date: 2015

Published by Özyeğin University, the book is the IX. It includes the papers accepted at the National Symposium on Digital Design in Architecture. The editor of the book was Asst. Assoc. Dr. Sevil Yazıcı, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Canan Akoğlu, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Ayşe Özbil Torun, Assist. Assoc. Dr. Işılay Tekçe and Ar. See. Ümit Ceren Bayazıtoğlu assumed the responsibility. In the book, there are 17 papers in total, which include current research and applications in the field of digital design in architecture throughout the country.


Nutrition Tutorial Book

Author: Ayten Aylin Alsaffar Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-605-5625-04-7 — Print Date: 2013

Nutrition plays a very important role in our lives. In order to survive and maintain our bodily functions, we have to eat and drink fluids. Many nutrients and chemicals in the foods and beverages we consume every day are used in various processes that take place in our bodies. All nutrients and water, whether macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids) or micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), are extremely necessary for maintaining our health. Practical calculations about nutrition are as important as theoretical knowledge. This book contains a variety of calculations and exercises to help students consolidate the theoretical knowledge they will acquire in general nutrition lessons. This book, which includes simple information and practical calculations about nutrition that should be known by everyone, has been prepared for first and second year undergraduate students studying nutrition or food sciences.

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Yalın Yeni Girişim: Bugünün Girişimcileri Sürekli Yeniliği Kullanarak Çok Başarılı İşleri Nasıl Ortaya Çıkarır?

Author: Eric Ries    Translator:  N.Ece Elgin
ISBN: 978-605-5625-05-4 — Print Date: 2012

Quote from the book cover: “Lean New Venture advises entrepreneurs in companies of all sizes to adopt a way to continually test their vision and act accordingly, rather than spending time preparing detailed business plans. Ries believes companies are trying to innovate more than ever before. It offers a scientific method for building and managing successful new ventures in an age of need.” We are happy to bring Eric Ries' book The Lean Startup, which describes the principles and roadmap of the new approach, into Turkish.


Studien zum deutschen und türkischen Strafrecht: Aktuelle Grundlagenprobleme des
materiellen Strafrechts/ Alman ve Türk Ceza Hukukuna İlişkin Araştırmalar: Maddi Ceza Hukukunun
Güncel Temel Problemleri

Editors: Prof. Dr. Gunnar Duttge, Prof. Dr. Yener Ünver
ISBN: 978-605-5625-03-0 — Print Date: March 2012

Papers presented at the symposium on "Current Fundamental Problems of Material Criminal Law" held in Istanbul in 2011, in the number two publication of Özyeğin University German Law Practice and Research Center. Dr. Gunnar Duttge and Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. It was gathered together by Yener Unver. With the publication of this book, a total of 19 current basic problems related to the substantive criminal law of both countries were presented to the service of Turkish and German lawyers.


 I. Türkiye-Azerbaycan Hukuk Sempozyumu

Editor: Prof. Dr. Yener Ünver
ISBN: 978-605-5625-02-3 — Print Date: October 2011

Özyeğin University Faculty of Law, breaking new ground in Turkey, hosted a symposium on interdisciplinary issues with its sister country, Azerbaijan. On the occasion of this symposium, the papers containing the valuable scientific ideas of scientists from Turkey and Azerbaijan were presented by our Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. It was gathered together under the editorship of Yener Ünver and delivered to the readers as the third publication of Özyeğin University Press.


Das strafrecht im Deutsch-Türkischen rechtsvergleich: Beitrage zur rechtsvergleichung

Editor: Prof. Dr. Yener Ünver
ISBN: 978-605-5625-01-6 — Print Date: September 2011

In the fifth year of the entry into force of the new Turkish Penal Code, our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Yener Unver and the famous German lawyer Prof. Dr. Dr. In the symposium held in cooperation with Eric Hilgendorf, the papers presented by lawyers who are experts in their fields were gathered together


Üçüncü kuşak üniversitelere doğru: Geçiş döneminde üniversiteleri yönetmek

Author: Prof. Dr. J.G. Wissema — Translator:  Nurkalp Devrim, Taciser Belge
ISBN: 978-605-5625-05-4 — Print Date: September 2009

In the competitive climate of the global world, the increasing costs of academic research have exceeded government budgets and these costs have pushed universities to seek financing. In addition to these new conditions, especially the importance of R&D usage in the economy has brought universities and technology-oriented companies closer to each other and gave universities a dominant role in economic developments. States have supported this structure with government-oriented specific research institutions operating in contact with both academic and industrial environments. This book deals with the major stakeholders of the Third Generation Universities that emerged as a result of this process, the new roles of these stakeholders and the new uses of the knowledge produced by the university in line with its changing purposes and functions. We hope that this book will guide and spark new debates in innovation policies in which universities play a central role.

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Özyeğin Üniversitesi Yayınları
Nişantepe Mah. Orman Sk. No:34-36 34794 Alemdağ – Çekmeköy, İstanbul