

  • February
    Trial access: Morningstar Investment Research Center

    Dear Library Users, Morningstar Investment Research Center is available for trial access until March 16th, 2018. The database provides information of mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds and more. Best regards, Library

  • February
    Library Bookshelves Improvement

    Dear Library Users, New shelves will be set up on Saturday for our expanding book collection. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library

  • February
    Your Library Your Quiet & Productive Space

    Dear Library Users, We have made some changes in the library for the new semester. It is aimed to provide you with a much more quiet and enjoyable study environment in the library. 7/24 Study Area’s entrance on the Library side is closed to prevent...

  • February
    Temporary Offcampus Access Problem to Scopus

    Dear Library Users, There has been a temporary offcampus access problem to the Scopus database since this morning. You will be informed as soon as the problem has been solved. Thank you for your understanding. Library

  • February
    Trial Access: Building Types Online

    Dear Library Users, Building Types Online is available for trial access until March 31th, 2018. Building Types Online is a database that examines different building types in terms of architecture. The database provides an online documentation about a...

  • Jan11
    New Database: Factiva

    Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that the Library has subscribed to database Factiva. The Factiva database is an international news source provides access to newspapers, news publications, industry publications, web sites, company reports,...