Author Identification

Author Identification

Produced by Thomson Reuters (the publishers of Web of Science) ResearcherID aims to counter problems encountered in citation analysis due to variant spellings of a researcher's name, or multiple researchers who share the same name.

When you register you receive a unique identifier; you can then maintain a complete list of your publications which is associated with your identifier. You can also create a custom profile, and generate metrics such as the h-index using the ResearcherID website. Publication and citation data is updated from the Web of Science.

This means that an up-to-date citation analysis of your publications included in the Web of Science is immediately available to those reviewing your grant, considering your appointment, or considering your promotion. This is particularly useful for authors with ambiguous names or if there has been inconsistent use of author’s initials etc.

Enserink, M (2009) Are you ready to become a number? Science 323 (5922): 1662-1664