Kas 02, 2023 - Kas 03, 2023

İşletme Fakültesi Brown Bag Seminer Serisi / Dr. Zeynep Müge Güzel

Tarih: 03 Kasım 2023, Cuma

Saat: 13:30-15:00

Yer: AB2, 345 nolu Toplantı Odası

Başlık: Market Orientation in the Eye of the Beholder: Perceived Market Orientation and its Effect on Company-Channel Relationships

Özet: Despite its long history, research on market orientation (MO) has emerged and evolved as being mostly based on evaluations of marketers, neglecting the perceptions of other stakeholders. Building on stakeholder and signaling theories, we explore a company’s MO from the perspective of its channel members. Taking a component-wise approach to MO, we conceptualize that different components of MO function as unique signals sent to channel members, which are interpreted differently, ultimately leading to distinct outcomes in their relationship with the company. We empirically demonstrate that three components of MO as perceived by channel members have differential impacts on social and economic satisfaction. Our results reveal that interfunctional coordination is associated with higher social and economic satisfaction, while competitor orientation is positively related to economic satisfaction, but negatively related to social satisfaction.